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Quality Systems is one of the leading and pioneer ISO consultants in Pakistan.
WRAP stands for Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production, WRAP audit is performed against the WRAP guidelines, WRAP is having its code of conduct developed on 12 principles which assure safe, legal, and ethical & secure manufacturing process. WRAP is the world’s largest factory-based certification program for manufacturers of clothing, footwear, other sewn products as well as for their raw material manufacturers. WRAP principles mostly focused on social compliances and C-TAPT requirements.
If any supplier certified on WRAP, that certificate and audit report can be shared with multiple customers rather than having different audit conducted for each customer. WRAP ultimate objective to improve working conditions in the factories.
WRAP – World Wide Responsible Accredited Production is based in USA, formerly it was known World Wide Apparel Production and it certifies the factories according to the WRAP principles. It was established in 2000 by the American Apparel and Footwear Association
WRAP is the voluntary standard and is suitable for any organization i.e. large, medium and small manufactures considering improving its ethical practices and sustainability to meet the expectations of all stakeholders.
It is the pre-request to start business relationship with US based customers. Mostly International customers waive their own social audit of factory on behalf of WRAP certificate and they evaluate the audit results according to their criteria and give the rating to the factory such as Wal Mart the giant retailer of the world also accepts WRAP certificate along with the audit report and evaluate against their own social audit criteria and give the rating to the supplier.
WRAP doesn’t conduct audit itself and only approved monitoring companies can conduct the WRAP audit as well as those companies must have the full member of APSCA. Mostly retailers, importers and customers don’t accept the wrap’s audit report if monitoring firm and their auditor do not have the membership number of APSCA.
By implementing this standards organization can improve its overall social compliance performance to assure the confidence & satisfaction as well as meet the expectation of its customers
After finalization of agreement with client, Quality Systems’ experts visit to client’s premises and conduct the complete gap analysis of existing system against the WRAP code of conduct and discuss the gap report to the management, identified gaps could be in documents, implementation, fire safety, building & electrical safety, compensation, employee’s awareness, statutory & regulatory and local laws compliances. We commence work according to the agreed timelines as per final gap report and proceed for the audit once all the documentation, implementation, and other requirements are done. Our technical team provides complete assistance, support and cooperation throughout the process to make certification audit successful in first attempt.
There are some certain formalities to be fulfilled to proceed for the audit by any affiliate third party.
1. Facility will submit the basic information on wrap’s online application form and make the registration payment that will be valid for 6 months.
2. Facility will conduct the self-assessment of its compliances against the 12 wrap principles
3. On-site audit will be performed and in the start of audit , facility will show the online registration payment evidence to the auditors of monitoring firm.
4. On completion of audit monitoring firm will issue the summary report on findings along with certification recommendation or corrective action plan. WRAP will take the decisions to issue the certificate against the recommendation of monitoring firm.
5. WRAP directly sends the certificate to the factory through email and by post.
6. Some time wrap gets conducted the PC – Post Certification audit at the factory by any monitoring firm or by WRAP own auditors if WRAP has their own office in the country.
WRAP consists of three-level of certification which awards certification to facilities in accordance to the degree of compliance with the 12 WRAP Principles. We support you throughout your journey to WRAP certification:
• Platinum (Valid for 2 years): Facilities demonstrate full compliance for three consecutive certification audits
• Gold (Valid for 1 year): Facilities demonstrate full compliance with WRAP’s 12 Principles.
• Silver (Valid for 6 months): Facilities demonstrate substantial compliance with minor issues.
WRAP online registration fee is $ 1,195 and registration shall be valid for 6 months of time and WRAP audit should be done during the registration period.
Charges of WRAP certificaiton can not be flat or same for every organization, please contact us in this regard.
Quality Systems is working with the team of qualified and experienced consultants and trainers having vast industrial experience, most of our consultants are also lead auditors who are aware to the expectations of auditors from your management system during the audit. Quality systems is assisting across the world to implement and achieve the WRAP outstanding ratings. Our consultation methodology is highly professional, time bound and effective and we always add value to the business process of the client’s organization.
Our WRAP audit complete package comprised on following segments such as training, implementation, consultation, gap analysis, documentation, internal audits, pre assessment, third party audit through world’s most recognized accredited and WRAP affiliated third parties and post audit enhancement / maintenance services to enable your organization to get the best outcome of WRAP. Our services are globally accepted, authoritative and benchmarked in the field of WRAP audit.
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