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Quality Systems. is one of the largest and leading ISO consultants in Pakistan.
ISO 9001-2015 Overview:
ISO 9001-2015 is an international standard for quality management system, which fulfils your need to demonstrate your ability to constantly provide product and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirement. ISO 9001:2015 promotes the process approach, which incorporates the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and risk-based thinking in the organizational processes. It aims to enhance customer satisfaction through effective application of the system.
All the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 are generic and are intended to be applicable to any organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides.
Training Benefits for Individual(s) & Organization(s).
Individual (s)
• Enhanced and new “You” will be the core benefit.
• To understand the system and implementation based on ISO 9001.
• To be able to analyze system gaps of QMS based in ISO 9001 requirements.
• Clear understanding of ISO 9001 clauses and its implementation.
• Effective techniques to audit and control your system gaps.
• Understanding of process based approach and PDCA cycle.
Organization (s):
• Enhanced and competent workforce for ISO 9001 implementation.
• Improved system and implementation based on ISO 9001 requirements.
• Customer satisfaction by taking right outcome of the training.
• Improved processes and its control.
• Controlled and effective system which improves every process and reduces uncertainty.
• Fulfil the support requirement based on ISO 9001.
Topic(s) Covered:
• Brief History of ISO, ISO 9000 family and ISO 9001 Standard.
• The basics of Quality Management System – QMS and concepts.
• Differences between ISO 9001:2008 vs ISO 9001:2015.
• Process Approach, PDCA and Risk-Based Thinking.
• Understanding of ISO 9001-2015 Clauses and its objective.
• Role of top management, leadership.
• Context of the organization, interested parties.
• Documented information.
• Organizational Knowledge.
• Competency and awareness.
• How audit is done, audit planning, execution and NCR reporting.
Course Roadmap:
• Lecture
• Interactive classroom activities
• Group discussion
• Presentation and practical understandings with industrial practices.
Who is fit for:
Are you curious to learn new things? are you committed to learn? or do you have some understanding of ISO 9001.? If Yes… You are the right Fit
Are you curious to improve your system? Do you want to enhance capabilities of your human resource? or do you want to explore the ISO 9001-2015 requirements and its benefit in your organization? If Yes… You are the right fit.
End Deliverables:
will be Course Material & Certificate
Why Quality Systems for This Training?
We are the market leader in the field of management systems audit and certifications with decades of industrial and organizational experience. We have been working to implement international retailers & brands, MNCs technical and quality requirements at its supply chain. We understand the need and expectations of international customers from their suppliers. Our trainers are qualified and well experienced to provide the change you need. Our training methodology is to equip your system for the best positive outcome. Which will connect your customer/Stakeholder and its satisfaction with your system.
ISO 14001-2015 (IEMS) Overview:
ISO 14001-2015 is an international standard for Environment Management System, the target of EMS ISO 14001-2015 is to help organizations to protect the environment and to respond change in the environmental conditions and comply statutory & regulatory requirements. It helps organizations improve their environmental performance through more efficient use of resources and gaining a competitive advantage and the trust of stakeholders. It aims to enhance customer/stakeholders satisfaction through effective application of the environmental management system.
All the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 are generic and are intended to be applicable to any organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides.
Training Benefits for Individual (s) & Organization (s).
Individual (s)
• Enhanced and new “You” will be the core benefit.
• To understand the system and implementation based on ISO 14001.
• To be able to analyze system gaps of EMS based in ISO 14001 requirements.
• Clear understanding of ISO 14001 clauses and its implementation.
• Effective techniques to audit and control your system gaps.
• To be able to conduct environmental impact assessment.
• Understanding of risk based thinking and PDCA cycle.
Organization (s):
• Enhanced and competent workforce for ISO 14001 implementation.
• Improved system and implementation based on ISO 14001 requirements.
• Stakeholders satisfactory on your environmental performance.
• Improved environmental performance, processes and its control.
• Helps achieving environmental objectives.
• To understand the compliance obligations as per your operational activities.
• Controlled and effective system which improves every process and reduces uncertainty.
• Fulfil the support requirement based on ISO 14001.
Topic(s) Covered:
• Brief History of ISO, ISO 14000 family and ISO 14001 Standard.
• The basics of Environmental Management System – EMS and concepts.
• Differences between ISO 14001:2004 vs ISO 14001:2015.
• PDCA and Risk-Based Thinking.
• Understanding of ISO 14001-2015 Clauses and its objective.
• Role of top management, leadership.
• Environmental Impact Assessment
• Context of the organization, interested parties.
• Documented information.
• Organizational Knowledge.
• Competency and awareness.
• How audit is done, audit planning, execution, NCR reporting.
Course Roadmap:
• Lecture
• Interactive classroom activities
• Group discussion
• Presentation and practical understandings with industrial practices.
Who is fit for:
Are you curious to learn new things? are you committed to learn? or do you have some understanding of ISO 14001.? If Yes… You are the right fit.
Are you curious to improve your system? Do you want to enhance capabilities of your human resource? or do you want to explore the ISO 14001-2015 requirements and its benefit in your organization? If Yes… You are the right fit.
End Deliverables:
Will be Course Material & Certificate
Why Quality Systems for this Training?
We are the market leader for management system development with decades of industrial and organizational experience. We have been working to implement international retailers & brands, MNCs environmental requirements at its supply chain. We understand the need of international customers as well. Our trainers are qualified and well experienced to provide the change you need. Our training methodology is to equip your system for the best positive outcome. Which will connect your customer/Stakeholder and its satisfaction with your system.
ISO 22000-2018 Overview:
ISO 22000-2018 is an international standard for food safety management system, which fulfils your need to demonstrate your ability to constantly provide food product and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirement. ISO 22000:2018 promotes the risk based thinking/ approach, which incorporates the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and risk-based thinking in the organizational processes of food safety management system. It aims to enhance customer satisfaction through effective application of the system and ensure that food products do not cause adverse health effects.
All the requirements of ISO 22000:2018 are generic and are intended to be applicable to any organization directly or indirectly involve in the food chain, regardless of its complexity or size.
Training Benefits for Individual (s) & Organization (s).
Individual (s)
• Enhanced and new “You” will be the core benefit.
• To understand the system and implementation based on ISO 22000.
• To be able to analyze system gaps of FSMS based on ISO 22000 requirements.
• Clear understanding of ISO 22000 clauses and its implementation.
• Effective techniques to audit and control your system gaps.
• To be able to conduct FSMS risk assessment.
• Understanding of process based approach and PDCA cycle.
Organization (s):
• Enhanced and competent workforce for ISO 22000 implementation.
• Improved system and implementation based on ISO 22000 requirements.
• Customer satisfaction by taking right outcome of the training.
• Improved processes and its control.
• Enhance Food safety management system.
• Controlled and effective system which improves every process and reduces uncertainty.
• Fulfil the support requirement based on ISO 22000.
Topic(s) Covered:
• Brief History of ISO and ISO 22000 Standard.
• The basics of Food Safety Management System – FSMS and concepts.
• Differences between ISO 22000:2018 vs ISO 22000-2005
• PDCA and Risk-Based Thinking.
• Understanding of ISO 22000-2018 Clauses and its objective.
• Role of top management, leadership.
• Food Safety risk assessment.
• Context of the organization, interested parties.
• Documented information.
• Organizational Knowledge.
• Competency and awareness.
• How audit is done, audit planning, execution, NCR reporting.
• HACCP Awareness.
Course Roadmap:
• Lecture
• Interactive classroom activities
• Group discussion
• Presentation and practical understandings with industrial practices.
Who is fit for:
Are you curious to learn new things? are you committed to learn? or do you have some understanding of ISO 22000.? If Yes… You are the right Fit
Are you curious to improve your system? Do you want to enhance capabilities of your human resource? or do you want to explore the ISO 22000 requirements and its benefit in your organization? If Yes… You are the right fit.
End Deliverables:
Will be Course Material & Certificate
Why Quality Systems for this Training?
We are the market leader in the field of management systems audit and certifications with decades of industrial and organizational experience. We have been working to implement international retailers & brands ,MNCs technical and quality requirements at its supply chain. We understand the need and expectations of international customers from their suppliers. Our trainers are qualified and well experienced to provide the change you need. Our training methodology is to equip your system for the best positive outcome. Which will connect your customer/Stakeholder and its satisfaction with your system.
ISO 45001-2018 Overview:
ISO 45001-2018 is an international standard for occupational health and safety management system, it is the first global OHSMS standard that replaces OHSAS 18001. This standard helps organizations to build an effective and proactive occupational health and safety management system which gives guidance for is use and enable organization to provide safe and healthy workplace. It helps organizations to improve OHSMS performance and fulfil the statutory and regulatory requirements. ISO 45001 standard encourages organizations to implement risk based thinking / approach and establish a proactive culture of prevention an improvement.
All the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 are generic and are intended to be applicable to any organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides.
Training Benefits for Individual (s) & Organization (s).
By attending or getting it attended this training session you will be able to enjoy highlighted benefits.
Individual (s).
• Enhanced and new “You” will be the core benefit.
• To understand the system and implementation based on ISO 45001.
• To be able to analyze system gaps of OHSMS based in ISO 45001 requirements.
• Clear understanding of ISO 45001 clauses and its implementation.
• Effective techniques to audit and control your system gaps.
• To understand the statutory & regulatory requirements.
• Effective techniques to audit and control your system gaps.
• To be able to conduct OHS risk assessment.
• Understanding of risk based approach and PDCA cycle.
Organization (s):
• Enhanced and competent workforce for ISO 45001 implementation.
• Improved system and implementation based on ISO 45001 requirements.
• Stakeholders satisfaction on your OHSMS performance.
• Improved OHS performance, processes and its control.
• Helps achieving OHS objectives.
• To understand the compliance obligations and statutory & regulatory requirements as per your operational activities.
• Helps to adopt proactive and risk based thinking approaches.
• Controlled and effective system which improves every process and reduces uncertainty.
• Fulfil the support requirement based on ISO 14001.
Topic (s) Covered:
• Brief History of ISO,and ISO 45001 Standard.
• The basics of OHS Management System – OHS and concepts.
• Differences between ISO 18001:2007 vs ISO 45001:2018.
• PDCA and Risk-Based Thinking.
• Understanding of ISO 45001-2018 Clauses and its objective.
• Role of top management, leadership.
• OHS Risk Assessment .
• Context of the organization, interested parties.
• Documented information.
• Organizational Knowledge.
• Competency and awareness.
• How audit is done, audit planning, execution, NCR reporting.
Course Roadmap:
• Lecture
• Interactive classroom activities
• Group discussion
• Presentation and practical understandings with industrial practices.
Who is fit for:
Are you curious to learn new things? are you committed to learn? or do you have some understanding of ISO 45001.? If Yes… You are the right Fit
Are you curious to improve your system? Do you want to enhance capabilities of your human resource? or do you want to explore the ISO 45001-2018 requirements and its benefit in your organization? If Yes… You are the right fit.
End Deliverables:
Will be Course Material & Certificate
Why Quality Systems for this Training?
We are the market leader for management system development with decades of industrial and organizational experience. We have been working to implement international retailers & brands, MNCs occupational health and safety requirements at its supply chain. We understand the need and expectation of international customers from their suppliers. Our trainers are qualified and well experienced to provide the change you need. Our training methodology is to equip your system for the best positive outcome. Which will enhance your customer/stakeholders satisfaction on your OHSMS performance.
C-TPAT Overview:
C-TPAT stands for Custom Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, by using this program US Custom and Border Protection Agency works with the trade community to strengthen international supply chains and improve United States border security. C-TPAT is a voluntary program which recognizes that CBP can provide the maximum level of cargo security only through close cooperation with the principal stakeholders of the international supply chain such as importers, carriers, consolidators, licensed custom brokers and manufactures etc.
Through C-TPAT , identify the security gaps and implement the specific security measures and best practices into your organization By implementing C-TPAT requirements organization can improves its overall security compliance to assure the confidence & satisfaction as well as meet the expectation of its customers.
Training Benefits for Individual (s) & Organization (s).
Individual (s)
• Enhanced and new “You” will be the core benefit.
• To understand the system and implementation based on C-TPAT requirements.
• To be able to analyze system gaps of C-TPAT security requirements.
• Clear understanding of C-TPAT clauses and its implementation.
• Effective techniques to audit and control your system gaps.
• Understanding of process based on C-TPAT security reuirements and its key updates.
Organization (s):
• Enhanced and competent workforce for C-TPAT security implementation.
• Improved system and implementation based on C-TPAT security requirements.
• Customer satisfaction by taking right outcome of the training.
• Improved processes and its control.
• Controlled and effective system which improves every process and reduces uncertainty.
• Improved organizational security practices.
Topic(s) Covered:
• Documented information of C-TPAT security requirement.
• Organizational Knowledge and gaps as per C-TPAT requirements.
• How audit is done, audit planning, execution, NCR reporting.
• Understanding of Personal Security
• Understanding of Physical Security
• Understanding of Information system security
• Understanding of Storage & Distribution
• Understanding of Shipment Information Controls
• Understanding of Information Access Controls
• Understanding of Cyber Security
• Understanding of Agricultural security
• Understanding of Contractor Controls
• Understanding of Export Logistics
• Understanding of Records & Documentation
Course Roadmap:
• Lecture
• Interactive classroom activities
• Group discussion
• Presentation and practical understandings with industrial practices.
Who is fit for:
Are you curious to learn new things? are you committed to learn? or do you have some understanding of C-TPAT protocols.? If Yes… You are the right Fit
Are you curious to improve your security system? Do you want to enhance capabilities of your human resource? or do you want to explore the C-TPAT requirements and its benefit in your organization? If Yes. You are the right fit.
End Deliverables:
Will be Course Material & Certificate
Why Quality Systems for this Training?
We are the market leader in the field Security management systems audit and certifications. We have been working to implement international retailers & brands ,MNCs technical and quality requirements at its supply chain. We are the market leader in the field of management systems audit and certifications. Our trainers are qualified and well experienced to provide the change you need. Our training methodology is to equip your system for the best positive outcome. Which will connect your customer and its satisfaction with your system.
Higg FEM Overview:
Higg FEM is the Environmental module developed by Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) to reduce the Environmental impacts of apparel and footwear products around the world. It is the self-assessment tool that helps organization to standardize the measurement and evaluation of Environmental performance across the supply chain. Higg FEM module having online practice-base qualitative questions to gauge Environmental sustainability performance and drive behavior for improvement.
Higg Facility Environmental Module (Higg FEM) is intended to empower manufacturers, brands and retailers to scale sustainability improvements about the Environmental performance of their individual facilities. A clear picture of Environmental impacts has been given to the facilities. It helps them identify and prioritize opportunities for performance improvements.
Training Benefits for Individual (s) & Organization (s).
Individual (s)
• Enhanced and new “You” will be the core benefit.
• To understand the system and implementation based on Higg FEM.
• To be able to analyze system gaps of Higg FEM based on its requirements.
• Clear understanding of Higg FEM clauses and its implementation.
• Effective techniques to assess and control your system gaps.
• To understand online FEM system and its assessment protocols.
• Understanding of complete process of data uploading to final verification audit.
Organization (s):
• Enhanced and competent workforce for Higg FEM system.
• Improved system and implementation based Higg FEM requirements.
• Stakeholders satisfaction on your environmental performance.
• Improved environmental performance, processes and its control.
• Helps achieving environmental objectives.
• To understand the compliance obligations as per your operational activities.
• Controlled and effective system which improves every process and reduces uncertainty.
Topic(s) Covered:
1. How to create account and operate Higg FEM module.
2. How to upload data and complete self assessment.
3. How to process final verification audit.
4. Environmental Management System as per Higg FEM
5. Energy Use & Green House Gases Emission
6. Understanding of Water Use module
7. Understanding of Wastewater module
8. Understanding of Emission of Air module
9. Understanding of Waste Management module
10. Understanding of Chemical Management module
Course Roadmap:
• Lecture
• Interactive classroom activities
• Group discussion
• Presentation and practical understandings with industrial practices.
Who is fit for:
Are you curious to learn new things? are you committed to learn? or do you have some understanding of Higg FEM ? If Yes… You are the right Fit
Are you curious to improve your system? Do you want to enhance capabilities of your human resource? or do you want to explore the Higg FEM requirements and its benefit in your organization? If Yes… You are the right fit.
End Deliverables:
Will be Course Material & Certificate
Why Quality Systems for this Training?
We are the market leader in the field of management systems audit and certifications. We have been working to implement international retailers & brands, MNCs environmental requirements at its supply chain. We are the market leader in the field of management systems audit and certifications. Our trainers are qualified and well experienced to provide the change you need. Our training methodology is to equip your system for the best positive outcome. Which will connect your customer/Stakeholder and its satisfaction with your system.
SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange):
Sedex is one of the world’s leading ethical trade membership organization, working with businesses to improve working conditions in global supply chains. Using Sedex enables businesses to work together to better manage their social and environmental performance and improve working conditions throughout the supply chain. Basically, Sedex platform helps customer and suppliers to connect through a platform and customer can easily check the Social/Ethical performance of their suppliers through the platform.
Sedex helps suppliers/organizations to improve their human resource practices, management system, occupation health & safety, environment and business ethics. ETI based code and SMETA guidelines. SMETA stands for Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit.
Training Benefits for Individual (s) & Organization (s).
Individual (s)
• Enhanced and new “You” will be the core benefit.
• To be able to use sedex platform and upload corrective action.
• To understand the Sedex/SMETA system and implementation.
• To be able to analyze system gaps of SEDEX requirements.
• Clear understanding of SEDEX/SMETA/ETI COC clauses and its implementation.
• Effective techniques to audit and control your system gaps.
• Understanding of legal requirements in the areas of compensation benefit, OHS, Environment etc.
Organization (s):
• Enhanced and competent workforce for SEDEX implementation.
• Improved system and implementation based on SEDEX requirements.
• Customer satisfaction.
• Improve social / ethical management system
• Improved Legal obligation fulfilment and its understanding.
• Controlled and effective system which improves every process and reduces uncertainty.
• Ease in SEDEX third party audit by having trained professional.
• Timely management on Sedex platform in providing details and uploading evidences after corrective action.
Topic(s) Covered:
• Brief History of Sedex/SMETA, ETI code.
• The basics of Sedex and concepts.
• How to create or add new site on sedex platform.
• Understanding of SMETA Clauses and its objective.
• Understanding of ETI base code and requirements.
• Zero tolerance issues
• Creating relationship between customer and supplier.
• Legal obligations and its implementation.
• How to upload corrective actions.
• Competency and awareness.
• How audit is done, audit planning, execution, NCR corrective actions.
Course Roadmap:
• Lecture
• Interactive classroom activities
• Group discussion
• Presentation and practical understandings with industrial practices.
Who is fit for:
Are you curious to learn new things? are you committed to learn? or do you have some understanding of Sedex.? If Yes… You are the right Fit
Are you curious to improve your system? Do you want to enhance capabilities of your human resource? or do you want to explore the sedex requirements and its benefit in your organization? If Yes… You are the right fit.
End Deliverables:
Will be Course Material & Certificate
Why Quality Systems for this Training?
We are the market leader in the field of Social management systems audit and certifications. We have been working to implement international retailers & brands ,MNCs social/ethical requirements at its supply chain. We are the market leader in the field of management systems audit and certifications. We are the market leader in the field of management systems audit and certifications. Our trainers are qualified and well experienced to provide the change you need. Our training methodology is to equip your system for the best positive outcome. Which will connect your customer and its satisfaction with your social / ethical management system.
ISO 9001-2015 Overview:
Iso 9001-2015 is an international standard for quality management system, which fulfils your need to demonstrate your ability to constantly provide product and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirement. ISO 9001:2015 promotes the process approach, which incorporates the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and risk-based thinking in the organizational processes. It aims to enhance customer satisfaction through effective application of the system.
All the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 are generic and intended to be applicable for any organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides.
Benefits for Individual(s).
• It equips you with sound and in-depth knowledge.
• Enhance understanding of system and QMS performance.
• Give you opportunity to experience the audit protocols.
• Lead as internal auditor with sound technical understanding.
• A new and improved skillset to achieve.
Benefits for Organization(s).
• Improves the process gap of the organization.
• Makes the organization process-dependent instead of person-dependent.
• Identifies redundancies in operational and control procedures.
• Recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of system based on ISO 9001.
• Enhancement in competency of workforce for ISO 9001 implementation.
• Improved system and implementation based on ISO 9001 requirements.
• Customer satisfaction by taking right outcome of the internal audit.
• Fulfil the Internal audit requirement based on ISO 9001 standard.
Internal Audit Protocols:
• Opening & Closing meeting
• To Check Statutory & Regulatory requirements based in ISO 9001 standard.
• To Review of Policies and Procedures based on ISO 9001 Standard.
• To confirm Physical implementation as per standard requirements.
• To observe integration of your defined protocols into practical processes.
• To interview department personnel.
• To evaluate Leadership commitment.
• Final internal audit reporting with non-conformities
Why Quality Systems for this training?
We are the market leader in the field of Management certification with decades of industrial and services sectors experience. We have been working to implement & audit international retailers & brands, MNCs technical and quality requirements at its supply chain. We understand the need of international customers what they expect from their suppliers. Our Internal Auditor trainers are qualified and well experienced to provide the change you need. Our internal audit training methodology is to equip your system for the best positive outcome. That provides you the understanding of your system gaps and recommendation to take effective action.
ISO 14001-2015(EMS) Overview:
Iso 14001-2015 is an international standard for Environment Management System, the target of EMS ISO 14001-2015 is to help organizations to protect the environment and to respond change in the environmental conditions and comply statutory & regulatory requirements. It helps organizations improve their environmental performance through more efficient use of resources and gaining a competitive advantage and the trust of stakeholders. It aims to enhance customer/stakeholders satisfaction through effective application of the environmental management system.
All the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 are generic and are intended to be applicable for any organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides.
Benefits for Individual(s).
• It equips you with sound and in depth knowledge
• Enhance understanding of system and environmental performance.
• Give you opportunity to experience the audit protocols.
• Lead as internal auditor with sound technical understanding.
• A new and improved skillset to achieve.
Benefits for Organization(s).
• Improves the process gap of the organization.
• Improve environmental performance and target objectives.
• Makes the organization system-dependent instead of person-dependent.
• Identifies redundancies in operational and control procedures
• Recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of system based on ISO 14001.
• Enhancement in competency of workforce for ISO 14001 implementation.
• Improved system and implementation based on ISO 14001 requirements.
• Customer satisfaction by taking right outcome of the internal audit.
• To understand the compliance obligations and statutory and regulatory requirements.
• Fulfil the Internal audit requirement based on ISO 14001 standard.
Internal Audit Protocols:
• Opening & Closing meeting
• To Check Statutory & Regulatory requirements based in ISO 14001 standard.
• To Review of Policies and Procedures based on ISO 14001 Standard.
• To confirm Physical implementation as per standard requirements.
• To observe integration of your defined protocols into practical processes.
• To interview department personnel.
• To evaluate Leadership commitment.
• Final internal audit reporting with non-conformities
Why Quality Systems for this training?
We are the market leader in the field of Management certification with decades of industrial and services sectors experience. We have been working to implement & audit international retailers & brands, MNCs technical and quality requirements at its supply chain. We understand the need of international customers what they expect from their suppliers. Our Internal Auditor trainers are qualified and well experienced to provide the change you need. Our internal audit training methodology is to equip your system for the best positive outcome. That provides you the understanding of your system gaps and recommendation to take effective action.
ISO 22001-2018 (FSMS) Overview:
Iso 22000-2018 is an international standard for food safety management system, which fulfils your need to demonstrate your ability to constantly provide food product and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirement. ISO 22000:2018 promotes the risk based thinking/ approach, which incorporates the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and risk-based thinking in the organizational processes of food safety management system. It aims to enhance customer satisfaction through effective application of the system and ensure that food products do not cause adverse health effects.
All the requirements of ISO 22000:2018 are generic and are intended to be applicable for any organization directly or indirectly involve in the food chain, regardless of its complexity or size.
Benefits for Individual(s).
• It equips you with sound and in depth knowledge
• Enhance understanding of system and FSMS performance.
• Give you opportunity to experience the audit protocols.
• Lead as internal auditor with sound technical understanding.
• A new and improved skillset to achieve.
Benefits for Organization(s).
• Improves the process gap of the organization.
• Improve FSMS performance and target objectives.
• To ensure that processes are controlled and do not have adverse effects on food products.
• Makes the organization system-dependent instead of person-dependent.
• Identifies redundancies in operational and control procedures
• Recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of system based on ISO 22000.
• Enhancement in competency of workforce for ISO 22000 implementation.
• Improved system and implementation based on ISO 22000 requirements.
• Customer satisfaction by taking right outcome of the internal audit.
• To understand the compliance obligations and statutory and regulatory requirements.
• Fulfil the Internal audit requirement based on ISO 22000 standard.
Internal Audit Protocols:
• Opening & Closing meeting
• Statutory & Regulatory requirements based in ISO 22000 standard.
• Policies and Procedures based on ISO 22000 Standard.
• Physical implementation as per standard requirements.
• To observe integration of defined protocols into practical processes.
• To interview department personnel.
• To evaluate Leadership commitment.
• Final internal audit reporting with non-conformities
Why Quality Systems for this training?
We are the market leader in the field of Management certification with decades of industrial and services sectors experience. We have been working to implement & audit international retailers & brands, MNCs technical and quality requirements at its supply chain. We understand the need of international customers what they expect from their suppliers. Our Internal Auditor trainers are qualified and well experienced to provide the change you need. Our internal audit training methodology is to equip your system for the best positive outcome. That provides you the understanding of your system gaps and recommendation to take effective action.
ISO 45001-2018 Overview:
ISO 45001-2018 is an international standard for occupational health and safety management system, it is the first global OHSMS standard that replaces OHSAS 18001. This standard helps organizations to build an effective and proactive occupational health and safety management system which gives guidance for is use and enable organization to provide safe and healthy workplace. It helps organizations to improve OHSMS performance and fulfil the statutory and regulatory requirements. ISO 45001 standard encourages organizations to implement risk based thinking / approach and establish a proactive culture of prevention an improvement.
All the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 are generic and are intended to be applicable for any organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides.
Benefits for Individual(s).
• It equips you with sound and in depth knowledge
• Enhance understanding of system and HSMS performance.
• Give you opportunity to experience the audit protocols.
• Lead as internal auditor with sound technical understanding.
• A new and improved skillset to achieve.
Benefits for Organization(s).
• Improves the process gap of the organization.
• Improve OHS performance and target objectives.
• Makes the organization system-dependent.
• Identifies redundancies in operational and control procedures
• Recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of system based on ISO 45001.
• Enhancement in competency of workforce for ISO 45001 implementation.
• Improved system and implementation based on ISO 45001 requirements.
• Customer satisfaction by taking right outcome of the internal audit.
• To understand the compliance obligations and statutory and regulatory requirements.
• Fulfil the Internal audit requirement based on ISO 45001 standard.
Internal Audit Protocols:
• Opening & Closing meeting
• To Check Statutory & Regulatory requirements based in ISO 45001 standard.
• To Review Policies and Procedures based on ISO 45001 Standard.
• To confirm Physical implementation as per standard requirements.
• To observe integration of your defined protocols into practical processes.
• To interview department personnel.
• To evaluate Leadership commitment.
• Final internal audit reporting with non-conformities
Why Quality Systems for this training?
We are the market leader in the field of Management certification with decades of industrial and services sectors experience. We have been working to implement & audit international retailers & brands, MNCs technical and quality requirements at its supply chain. We understand the need of international customers what they expect from their suppliers. Our Internal Auditor trainers are qualified and well experienced to provide the change you need. Our internal audit training methodology is to equip your system for the best positive outcome. That provides you the understanding of your system gaps and recommendation to take effective action.
SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange):
Sedex is one of the world’s leading ethical trade membership organization, working with businesses to improve working conditions in global supply chains. Using Sedex enables businesses to work together to better manage their social and environmental performance and improve working conditions throughout the supply chain. Basically, Sedex platform helps customer and suppliers to connect through a platform and customer can easily check the Social/Ethical performance of their suppliers through the platform.
Sedex helps suppliers/organizations to improve their human resource practices, management system, occupation health & safety, environment and business ethics. ETI based code and SMETA guidelines. SMETA stands for Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit.
Benefits for Individual(s).
• It equips you with sound and in depth knowledge
• Enhance understanding of system and SEDEX performance.
• Give you opportunity to experience the audit protocols.
• Lead as internal auditor with sound technical understanding.
• A new and improved skillset to achieve.
Benefits for Organization(s).
• Reduces the risk of follow-up audits.
• Enhanced and competent workforce for SEDEX implementation.
• Improved system and implementation based on SEDEX requirements.
• Customer satisfaction.
• Help to understand the gap or weak points of your system for sedex.
• Improve social / ethical management system
• Improved Legal obligation fulfilment and its understanding.
• Controlled and effective system which improves every process and reduces uncertainty.
• Ease in SEDEX third party audit.
Internal Audit Protocols:
• Opening & Closing meeting
• Statutory & Regulatory requirements based on sedex/Smeta /ETI code.
• Policies and Procedures based on Sedex requirements.
• Physical implementation as per standard requirements.
• To observe integration of defined protocols into practical processes.
• To interview department personnel.
• To evaluate OHS and environment practices
• Compensation & benefit and management system practices.
• Final internal audit reporting with non-conformities
Why Quality Systems for this training?
We are the market leader for social system certification/audits with decades of industrial and organizational experience. We have been working to implement international retailers & brands, MNCs Social/ethical, technical and quality requirements at its supply chain. We understand the need of international customers what they expect from their suppliers. Our Internal Auditor trainers are qualified and well experienced to provide the change you need. Our internal audit training methodology is to equip your system for the best positive outcome. That provides you the understanding of your system gaps and recommendation to take effective action.
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