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Quality Systems is one of the leading and pioneer ISO consultants in Pakistan.
Global G.A.P. is an internationally recognized standard as a leading farm assurance program that helps producer to demonstrate the commitment towards food safety and sustainable agricultural production. The Global G.A.P. standard covers every step of agricultural production process from growing to harvesting as well as trading. Global G.A.P. is related to all producers, who want to show that the quality of their processed products are excellent, particularly in food safety and traceability, environment including biodiversity, quality management system, integrated crop management, integrated pest control, HACCP & traceability, effective procedures of hygiene to reducing the contamination throughout the production, harvesting & packing process.
Through the harmonization of Good Agricultural Practices – global gap encourages sustainable agriculture and minimize the use of agro-chemicals. It is a voluntary standard. Mostly international corporations, retailers and Govt. regulatory authorities code of conduct requirements are derived from this standard, if any organization implements this standard, it will automatically fulfil the expectations of their customers and stakeholders regarding food safety management system. Global Gap is the regulatory requirement imposed by many countries on suppliers to ship any product to them.
GLOBAL G.A.P. is the current standard previously it was known as EUROGAP. It is a part of ISO family and GLOBAL G.A.P. is the initiative of retailers belonging to the Euro-Retailer produce working group. British retailers working together with supermarkets of continental Europe become aware of consumers growing concerns regarding product safety, environmental impact and the health, safety and welfare of workers and then finally they harmonized their own standard. Global G.A.P. is now world leading farm assurance program translating consumer requirements into Good Agricultural Practice.
Global G.A.P. does not conduct audit itself. Some certification bodies are authorized by Global G.A.P. to conduct the audit. Most of the countries have formed their own accreditation bodies to authorize the certification bodies. Accreditation and certification bodies charge their fee against their services. Accredited certificate issued by any accredited certification body is accepted worldwide. GLOBAL G.A.P. certificate is also carries the identical logo.
After finalization of agreement with client, experts of Quality Systems visit at client’s premises and conduct the complete gap analysis of existing system against the GLOBAL G.A.P. standard and discuss the gap report to the management, Identified gaps could be in documents, implementation, farm practices, employee’s awareness, statutory and regulatory compliances. We commence work according to the agreed timelines as per final gap report and proceed for the audit once all the documentation, implementation, and other requirements are done. Our technical team provides complete assistance, support and cooperation throughout the process to make certification audit successful in first attempt.
GLOBAL GAP certificate is not awarded once-and-for-all but must be renewed before expiry of the certificate. After applying for the audit to the certification body and get the GLOBAL G.A.P registration number (GGN), certification body’s auditor will conduct the audit. After the successful conduction of audit, certification body issues the certificate with validity of one year and this certificate will be valid only for one year of time and before expiry, re-certification audit should be carried out to maintain the continuation of certificate.
Charges of Global Gap certification can not be flat or same for every organization, please contact us in this regard.
Quality Systems is working with the team of qualified and experienced consultants and trainers having vast industrial experience, most of our consultants are also lead auditors who are aware to the expectations of auditors from your management system during the audit. Quality systems is assisting across the world to implement and achieve the Global G.A.P. certification. Our consultation methodology is highly professional, time bound and effective and we always add value to the business process of the client’s organization.
Our Global G.A.P. complete package comprised on following segments such as training, implementation, consultation, gap analysis, documentation, internal audits, pre assessment, certification audit through world’s most recognized accredited certification body and post certification enhancement / maintenance services to enable your organization in getting the best outcome of Global G.A.P Good Agricultural Practices. Our services are globally accepted, authoritative and benchmarked in the field of Global G.A.P.
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